MedStar Family Choice District of Columbia has a dedicated staff of Wellness Care Coordinators that work with our enrollees to ensure that they are receiving the care they need. The Outreach team includes representatives that welcome enrollees to MedStar Family Choice DC, assist in scheduling their first doctor’s appointment with a MedStar Family Choice DC provider, arrange for transportation when needed, and make various wellness contacts.

Our Wellness Care Coordinators also work on specific quality initiatives, such as diabetic care, immunizations, well-child visits, dental visits, pre-natal and post-partum care, and other women’s health issues.

Our new enrollees receive a welcome letter containing information on how to schedule their initial health assessment. We encourage the enrollees to call your office directly. However, if an enrollee asks for assistance, we will perform a three-way call with your office, the enrollee and the Wellness Care Coordinators to ensure that the enrollee obtains an appointment within the timeframes outlined by the Department of Health Care Finance.

Throughout the year, the Outreach Department will contact enrollees to remind them if they are due (or overdue) for certain preventive services. If we contact you to schedule an enrollee for an overdue preventive service, please work with us as much as possible to have this enrollee seen quickly.

Wellness Care Coordinators can assist your office with interpreter services for enrollees that are deaf or cannot speak English.

If a MedStar Family Choice DC enrollee tells your office that transportation is an issue for them, the Outreach Department may be able to assist the enrollee in obtaining transportation to his/her physician appointment.

If you are aware of enrollees that may be behind in receiving preventive services, or requires any of the services outlined above, please use the Outreach Referral Form (PDF) and submit it to us so that we can assist you in bringing this enrollee into care.

You may contact us Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at 855-798-4244. Our fax number is 202-243-5495. Faxes and voice messages left after hours will be addressed the next business day.

Information current as of: